The way I teach art varies drastically from how I was taught. However, I’m not sure if that has to do with the time/change so much as my art teacher in particular. As I advanced through school I was able to take specific art classes where we focused our skill (ceramics, painting, etc). My elementary experience was different from how I’m teaching because I have access to more materials, which allows me to teach more skills. I would think that with more materials and technology being developed that the basic genres of art are still present, but technique might be different depending on what is available. I also think that we respect the individual creativity/choice of students is generally more valued as time goes on, as opposed to making them follow a formulaic method.
Curriculum needs to change as the audience/students change. It needs to adapt to the needs of the present, which by the nature of things continually evolves. Techniques advance, styles change, people become interested in different things, the needs of the world change. Art and how we create needs to change with all of those things, therefore the curriculum through which we teach needs to change with it.