Art Education and Women’s, Gender, & Sexual Studies Dual-Degree
Ph.D. and M.S. Program Resource Suite
- The Judy Chicago Office
- Study Areas
- Meeting Spaces
- Feminist Pedagogy Materials
- Resource Library

(left) Judy Chicago’s inaugural visit to The Judy Chicago Resource and Coordination Office at Penn State, September, 2012
(right) Resource suite foyer
Agosin, M. (1987). Scraps of life Chilean Arpilleras: Chilean women and the Pinochet dictatorship. (Franzen, C., Trans.). Trenton, NJ: The Red Sea Press.
Anzaldua, G. (1987). Borderlands/ La frontera: The New Mestiza. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books.
Bank, M. (1979). Anonymous was a woman. New York, NY: St Martin’s Griffin.
Barker, C. (1996). Ya/Ya: Young New Orleans artists and their storytelling chairs (and how to Ya/Ya in your neighborhood). Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press.
Baumgardner, J., & Richards, A. (2000). Manifesta: Young women, feminism, and the future. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
Beauvoir, S. d. (1953). The second sex (1st American ed.). New York, NY: Knopf.
Biber, S. N., Gilmartin, C. K., & Lydenberg, R. (1999). Feminist approaches to theory and methodology: An interdisciplinary reader. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Chadwick, W. (1985). Women artists and the surrealist movement. Boston, MA: Little, Brown.
Chadwick, W. (1990). Women, art, and society. New York, NY: Thames and Hudson.
Champagne, L. (1990). Out from under: Texts by women performance artists. New York, NY: Theatre Communications Group.
Chicago, J. (1982). Through the flower: My struggle as a woman artist (Rev. and updated. ed.). Garden City, NY: Anchor Books.
Chicago, J. (1993). Holocaust project: From darkness into light. New York, NY: Penguin Books.
Chicago, J. (1996). Beyond the flower: The autobiography of a feminist artist. New York, NY: Viking.
Chicago, J., & Nin, A. (2004). Fragments from the delta of venus. New York, NY: PowerHouse Books.
Chicago, J. (2005). Kitty city: A feline book of hours. New York, NY: Harper Design.
Chicago, J., & Borzello, F. (2010). Frida Kahlo: Face to face. Munich: Prestel.
Collins, P. (1990). Black feminist thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment. New York: Routledge.
Drucker, M. (1991). Frida Kahlo: Torment and triumph in her life and art. New York, NY: Bantam.
Duncan, I. (1927). My life. New York, NY: Boni and Liveright.
Eggins, H. (1997). Women as leaders and managers in higher education. Buckingham, England: Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press.
Flack, A., Peterson, T., & Hills, P. (1992). Breaking the rules: Audrey Flack, a retrospective 1950-1990. New York: Harry N. Abrams.
Gablik, S. (1991). The reenchantment of art. New York, NY: Thames and Hudson.
Grimberg, S. (2008). Frida Kahlo: Song of herself. London: Merrell.
Harris, A. S., & Nochlin, L. (1976). Women artists, 1550-1950. Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
hooks, b. (1990). Art on my mind: visual politics. New York: The New Press.
hooks, b. (2000). Feminism is for everybody: Passionate politics. Cambridge: South End Press.
LaDuke, B. (1985). Compañeras: women, art, & social change in Latin America. San Francisco: City Lights Books.
Lanker, B., & Summers, B. (1989). I dream a world: Portraits of Black women who changed America. New York, NY: Stewart, Tabori & Chang.
Lay, M., Monk, J., & Rosenfelt, D. (Eds.). (2002). Encompassing gender: Integrating international studies and women’s studies education. New York, NY: The Feminist Press at the City University of New York.
Levin, G. (2007). Becoming Judy Chicago: A biography of the artist. New York, NY: Harmo New York Books.
Marsh, J. (1997). Bloomsbury women. London: Pavilion.
Martini, J. (Ed.). (2011). Women as leaders in education; succeeding despite inequity, discrimination, and other challenges (Vol. 2). Santa Barbara, CA. Praeger. (Note: this is also available as a free online download at
Oppenheim, M., Burckhardt, J., Curiger, B., Helfenstein, J., McEvilley, T., & Spector, N. (1996). Meret Oppenheim: Beyond the teacup. New York, NY: Independent Curators Inc. and D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers.
Parker, R., & Pollock, G. (1981). Old mistresses: Women, art, and ideology. New York, NY: Pantheon Books.
Randall, M., & Yanz, L. (1981). Sandino’s daughters: Testimonies of Nicaraguan women in struggle. Vancouver: New Star Books.
Randall, M. (1994). Sandino’s daughters revisited: Feminism in Nicaragua. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Raven, A., Langer, C. L., & Frueh, J. (1988). Feminist art criticism: An anthology. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research Press.
Reinharz, S., & Davidman, L. (1992). Feminist methods in social research. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Richardson, L., Taylor, V. A., & Whittier, N. (1997). Feminist frontiers IV. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Sherman, C., Cruz, A., Smith, E. A., & Jones, A. (1997). Cindy Sherman: retrospective. New York: Thames & Hudson.
Shostak, M. (1981). Nisa, the life and words of a !Kung woman. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Smith, E., & Chicago, J. (2000). Judy Chicago: An American vision. New York, NY: Watson-Guptill Publications.
Tanning, D. (1986). Birthday. San Francisco, CA: Lapis Press.
Valenti, J. (2007). Full frontal feminism: A young woman’s guide to why feminism matters. Berkley: Seal Press.
Wardlaw, A. J., & Biggers, J. T. (1995). The art of John Biggers: View from the upper room. Houston, TX: Museum of Fine Arts, in association with Harry N. Abrams.
Wilding, F. (1977). By our own hands: The woman artist’s movement, Southern California, 1970-1976. Santa Monica, CA: Double X.
Hypatia. (2003). 18 (4).
The Journal of Gender Issues in Art and Education. (2001). 2.
The Journal of Gender Issues in Art and Education. (2002-2003). 3.
M/E/A/N/I/N/G Contemporary Art Issues #18 (1995). (18).
MS. (2012). 40th anniversary issue. 21 (3).
Surface design journal. (2010) 34 (4).
Women’s Studies Librarian. (2011). Feminist Collections: A quarterly of women’s studies resources. 32 (1, 3-4).
Women’s Studies Librarian. (2012). Feminist Collections: A quarterly of women’s studies resources. 33.
Women’s Studies Librarian. (2012). New books on women, gender, and feminism. (60-61).
Women’s studies quarterly. (2002) 30 (3-4).
Exhibition Catalogs
Chicago, J. & Shapiro, M., eds. (1972). Womanhouse. Valencia, CA: California Institute of the Arts.
Creativity, Imagination, and Innovation. National Art Education Association Women’s Caucus Exhibition. (2011).
Emerging Perspectives. National Art Education Association Women’s Caucus Art Exhibition. (2012).
Judy Chicago fragments from the delta of venus and other femmerotica: a thirty five year survey. (2004). New York, NY: ACA Galleries.
Judy Chicago– history in the making: Preparatory materials for The Dinner Party. (2007). Santa Fe, NM: LewAllen Contemporary.
Judy Chicago: Jewish identity. (1985). New York: Hebrew Union College- Jewish Institute of Religion.
Judy Chicago minimalism 1965-1973, (2004). Santa Fe, NM: LewAllen Contemporary.
Judy Chicago: Reviewing Powerplay. (2012). Santa Fe, NM: David Richard Gallery.
Judy Chicago: The Second Decade 1973-1983. (1984). New York: ACA Galleries.
Judy Chicago: Thinking about Trees. (1999). Rockford, IL: Rockford College Art Gallery.
Judy Chicago: Trials and Tributes. (1999). Tallahasee, FL: Florida State University Museum of Fine Arts.
Marquardt-Cherry, J. (1996). Objects of personal significance. Kansas City, MO: Exhibits U.S.A.
Rosenberg, M., and Isaacs, S. (2010). A complex weave: women and identity in contemporary art. Rutgers University, NJ: Summer Group, Inc.
Savelainen, H., & Talaasma, P. (2006). Shirin Neshat: The secret of the veil. Tapioloa, Espoo: Espoo Museum of Modern Art Publications.
At home on tour. [DVD]. (Available from Through the Flower, 107 Becker Ave., Belen, NM, 87002)
Celebration Sunday. (2012). [DVD]. Recording of the 30th anniversary celebration of the Through the Flower foundation. The Pennsylvania State University.
Judy Chicago’s The Dinner Party: A tour of the exhibition. (1991). Narrated by Judy Chicago. [DVD]. (Available from Through the Flower, 107 Becker Ave., Belen, NM, 87002)
Mail Order Catalogs
Feminists Making Films: Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s History. New Day Films.
Philosophy 2013: New and Recent Titles/Polity
Sociology 2013: New and Recent Titles/Polity
WMM Women Make Movies. (2012). New releases celebrating 40 years. New York.
The Dinner Party Institute. Notebooks and other instructional resources from the Kutztown University The Dinner Party K-12 Curriculum summer institutes.
Guide to the California institute of the arts feminist art materials collection. (2008). [photocopied reference].Valencia, CA: California Institute of the Arts.
Assorted photocopied articles, women’s resource pamphlets, bookmarks, ephemera.
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