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Because it is not dependent on the single individual as the creative genius, but rather a collective of voices, feedback, brainstorming, research, and in short, active participation in order to allow for ideas/concepts and contexts to emerge it offers a fluid and organic art process model. One of the strategies I use to help my students feel empowered in the classroom is to provide opportunities to build relationships with both me and each other. The first week of school, I design several lessons, projects, and activities that are all geared toward allowing students to share. Through this method what a previous comment suggested, about getting to know the students personalities, also emerges as a classroom setting becomes an environment of closer knit individuals coming together. I think that your point about being intentional about your role as educator and the power that may automatically assumed/implicit and challenging the assumed notions is significant as well. Watch Sports Football I confess that I do not know every single classical or popular piece of music and how its form was composed, but I do know websites, other individuals, and recordings where students can go to find out the information they seek. As a developing teacher, I place more value on HOW to find knowledge, and focus less on trying to become the singular fount of all-knowing. Start with engaging students with open ended questions related to a particular idea or topic and then allow them to follow strands of interest that emerge and on which they can then build their research efforts.