I think that men are capable of making feminist art; it will just be art that is seen through the male lens. Just because that is true, it doesn’t mean that it cannot be considered “feminist”. A female could come across it, view it through the female lens, and consider it feminist. If an art piece is put in front of you without the knowledge of whether it was created by a male or a female, and you consider it a feminist piece, does it matter if it was created by a male? The meaning of a piece of art can have a different meaning to the artist than it does the viewer, and vice versa. So yes, men are able to create feminist art, whatever it may be.
Of course men have a role in the struggle for women’s equality. Although women don’t want to admit it, we need men’s help. In today’s world, men are more dominate than women. In order for this to change, men need to recognize women as their equal. This means that the sexist joking the degrading needs to stop while the appreciating and accepting needs to begin. These simple things will allow women to be accepted in today’s community, but these simple things need to be done by men (and women who think that these things are funny/not important). That is why I think that men have a role in the the struggle for women’s equality, because they are half of the cause of the struggle.