I believe art does carry the potential to aid in transforming existing oppressive structures. As Olivia pointed out the powerful example of the Chilean arpilleras, this is just one of many examples where art was used as a tool to empower women under an oppressive situation and incite activism. By bringing these types of examples into the classroom, student’s eyes can be opened to all the powerful possibilities that the arts can bring to the community and oppressive structures around them. I agree that art education can help students find their voices, and I think that by doing this we can empower them to make changes in the world around them.
I think a way to model this transforming power of art for students is to get them involved in the communities right outside their doorsteps. Pairing the art classroom with the community gives students the opportunity to see their potential to make a positive change and to experience how the arts and a little creativity can go a long way in bringing social change. By giving students opportunities to use art to fix problems around them within their own community, it allows them to experience first hand the transformative power of art and opens the door to endless possibilities.