
Collective Bibliography:
Zotero for
Research and Inspiration

Topics & Tags: Feminist Theory (Standpoint, Intersectionality, Positionality), Judy Chicago, Feminist Pedagogy, Feminist Art, Arts-based Research, Research-based Art, Participatory Public Art

Getting Started with Zotero

Zotero ( is a free Firefox plug-in for recording and organizing bibliographic information about Web pages, images, and online journal articles, and bibliographical information not online.

Zotero enables export of selected references as a formatted bibliography text file in recognized writing styles such as APA and MLA, or custom reference styles.

Zotero is a research tool that leverages the concept of tagging.

Zotero can extract key metadata from Web pages and insert them into citations. In addition to collecting metadata, Zotero organizes user-generated information including snapshots, images (e.g., from Flickr), notes, attachments, tagging, and related items.

Zotero is a tool in which students can learn both research and Web 2.0 skills.

Once the plug-in is installed, the Zotero icon is at the bottom of the Firefox browser, easy to access your private entries, as well as to join groups or create a new group.  For a quick start video tutorial go to

In this course, please join the Judy Chicago group at

Once in the Judy Chicago group create a folder or contribute to an existing folder within the group set up for the course to collaboratively build knowledge about the emergent themes of the course. You may also create a new collection.

Zotero screen shot


Zotero: Collaboratively Create Research Bibliographies (click here on how to begin or register for a workshop at the library).

Create a Bibliography in Zotero assignment:

Set goal for creating a bibliography, identify a minimum of 5 keywords important to you to tag resources, and articulate this as a blog entry due 1/24.

Set up at the minimum 1 topic in Zotero, tag and add to others’ topical reference list on Zotero throughout the semester (due 5/1).

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