Resolutions A Stitch in Time

Resolution: A Stitch in Time
A collaborative project by Judy Chicago
Directed & Edited by Kate Amend & Johanna Demetrakas

Judy Chicago along with a team of highly skilled needleworkers, many of whom worked with Chicago in the past, produced an imaginative and humorous collection of art works exploring the themes of Family, Responsibility, Conservation, Tolerance, Human Rights, Hope and Change.

The needleworkers talk about why they chose to work with Chicago and how they were challenged to expand their personal needlework skills in order to interpret Chicago\’s designs. Chicago, who has the unique skill to create intricate images for the needle arts discusses her interest in creating a Feminist set of Resolutions for the 21st Century.

This video, which was part of the original museum tour curated by David McFadden for the Museum of Art and Design, New York, NY is directed and edited by film maker Johanna Demetrakis and award winning film editor Kate Amend. Demetrakis and Amend give us a unique insight into Chicago\’s working methods, her sense of humor and her unparalleled artistic skills.

Through the Flower

© Through the Flower – © Judy Chicago – © Donald Woodman

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