
Course Calendar for Spring 2014
A ED 597A /WMNST 597C: Judy Chicago@PSU:
Art, Pedagogy, Exhibition & Research

(calendar is updated throughout the semester)

The course meets on Thursdays, 2:30 -5:30 pm in 207 Arts Cottage unless indicated otherwise.

The course includes a symposium with Judy Chicago on April 5 & 6, 2014 as well as working Feb. 27-April 3 with Fresno artist, Nancy Youdelman, who was a student of Judy Chicago’s in the Feminist Art Program in 1970.

Course participants will develop their focus in the course as action researchers of the pedagogical approach, or as artists creating interactive content-based visual and performative art to engage community in an exhibition at the HUB’s Art Alley.

Optional attendance at the course related Judy Chicago Film Series
on Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, in 207 Arts Cottage.

Date & Location Pedagogical Process Primary TEXT
Institutional Time: A Critique of Studio Art Education
Supplemental TEXT Assignment/Activity in Class
Jan. 16 JCAE Collection

Judy Chicago: A Conversation With Her Younger Self  (2012, 72 min.)

Makers: Women Who Make America (Part I Awakening, 2013, 57:44 min)

Tropes v. Women (Straw Feminists, 2011, by Anita Sarkeesian, 10:20 min.)

Register for symposium
Set up blog with self-pres entry.
Add entry to biblio.
Building Group
Ch1: California Dreaming Franks Self-presentations
(first entry on your blog)
Jan. 30
207 AC first
then Palmer
Ch2: Women and Art Gerhard, ch1-3 Discuss readings
The Big Lie(s)
Nouf Alhamdan Ch1 Doing Feminist Theory: From Modernity to Postmodernity, Susan Archer Mann, 2012.
Amy Migliore: What is Feminist Ethnography? (Buch and Staller in Feminist Research Practice, edited by Sharleene Nagy Hesse-Biber, 2014, pp. 107-144).

Helen Rose Geleskie: ch21 Curatorial Practice as Collaboration in the United States and Italy (Jo Anna Isaak, Gaia Cianfanelli, and Caterina Iaquinta, 2012 Fields, pp. 293-311).

Veronica Hicks: ch19 “The Way Things Art”: Curating Place as Feminist Practice in American Indian Women’s Art (Tressa Berman and Nancy Marie Mithlo, 2012 Fields, pp 267-282).

Content Search
Artmaking goals
Ch4: From Theory to Practice Meyer, Laura (Ed.). (2009). A Studio of Their Own: The Legacy of the Fresno Feminist Experiment. Hyunji Kwon: ch17 Searching for Catalyst and Empowerment: The Asian American Women Artists Association, 1989-Present (Lydia Nakashima Degarrod, 2012 Fields, pp. 241-256).Leslie Sotomayor: Ch16 How I Became a Chicana Feminist Artist (Sylvia Savala, 2012 Fields, pp. 229-240).

Farima Safaitakhthefooladi: Ch11 A Collective History: Las Mujeres Muralistas (Terezita Romo, 2012 Fields, pp. 161-170).

Child Closet Memories (Amy)
Requests of Others (Veronica)

Discuss Meyers & artmaking goals

Encouraged to attend Cultural Conversations performances, Feb. 12-15, 7:30 pm

Ch5: What About Men? Katz Discuss Chicago-ch3, 4, 5 & Katz. Bring sketches, proposals, models for discussion of mode/media/format. Use the Out of Here google doc to collaboratively develop exhibition plans with layout sketches, performance scripts, and photos of work in progress.Otis College:Doin It In Public: Tour of the Exhibition (2011, 8:06 min)

Artist Sophia Wallace’s art of CLITERACY

Visualization–content search

Feb. 27
Youdelman207 AC first
then Art Alley
Ideal to real
Support structure
Process to image
Bring sketches, models, plans, and photos of work in progress for discussion and decisions. Art Alley–discuss artmaking goals
March 6
Balance Support
Content-based critique
Encouraged to attend Youdelman’s lecture, March 4, 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Bring exhibition signage text to finalize and send to HUB Galleries by end of class.
March 20
Art Alley
Content-based critique
Gerhard: ch4-6 Activism/build exhibition in 3:00-5:00 PM Closet Ethnography performance facilitated by Amy Migliore
March 27
Art Alley
Content-based critique
Gerhard: ch4-6 Activism/build exhibition in 3:00-5:00 PM Closet Cakes performance facilitated by Leslie Sotomayor and Veronica Hicks
April 3
Art Alley
Gerhard: ch7, 8, epilogue Activism/build exhibition in 3:00-5:00 PM performance Comfort Women facilitated by Hyunji Kwon

Encouraged to attend Symposium, April 5 & 6.

April 10 Reflection Ch6: Surprises Activism/build exhibition in 3:00-5:00 PM The Tea is Ready performance facilitated by Farima Safaitakhtehfooladi
April 17 Ch7: Beyond the Diploma Activism/build exhibition in 3:00-5:00 PM performance Out of Here facilitated by Nouf Alhamdan and Helen Rose Geleski
April 24 Ch8: What’s the Answer?  DPCP Discuss Chicago ch. 6-8. Discuss Gerhard 6-8 + epilogue. Discuss DPCP encounters. Focus discussion of readings and experiences in the course on participatory pedogogy, participatory art, & participatory performance.

Encouraged to attend Chicago Views at the Palmer on April 25, 1 pm.

May 1 Take down exhibition outside of class time–more on this from Ann.

Reflection presentations–refer to journey documented in your blog. (For those who select the research option, papers due May 8.)

Readings are linked on the calendar or provided in ANGEL as pdfs or available at the Penn State Bookstore.


Chicago, Judy. (2014)  Institutional Time: A Critique of Studio Art Education. New York, NY: Monacelli Press.

Fields, Jill (Ed.). (2012).  Entering the picture: Judy Chicago, The Fresno Feminist Art Program, and the collective visions of women artists. New York, NY: Routledge.

Franks, Myfanwy. (2002). Feminisms and Cross-ideological Feminist Social Research: Standpoint, Situatedness and Positionality — Developing Cross-ideological Feminst Research. Journal of International Women’s Studies, 3(2), 38-50.  Available at

Gerhard, Jane F. (2013).  The Dinner Party: Judy Chicago and the power of popular feminism. 1970-2007. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.

Katz, J. (2012). Judy Chicago ReViewing: PowerPlay (exhibition catalogue). Santa Fe. NM: David Richard Gallery. Available at

Meyer, Laura (Ed.). (2009). A Studio of Their Own: The Legacy of the Fresno Feminist Experiment. Fresno, CA: The Press at the California State University Fresno.


Recommended (also see bibliography linked here)

Chicago, Judy, & Lucie-Smith, Edward. (1999). Women & Art: Contested Territories. New York, NY: Watson-Guptill.

Hammond, Harmony. (1984). Wrappings: Essays on feminism, art, and the martial arts. New York, NY: TSL Press.

hooks, bell. (2000). Feminism is for everybody: Passionate politics. Cambridge, MA: South End Press.

hooks, bell. (1994). Teaching to transgress. New York, NY: Routledge.

hooks, bell. (2000). Feminist theory: From margin to center (2nd ed.). London. Pluto Press.

Lerner, Genda (1986). The creation of patriarchy. Oxford University Press.

Mann, S. A. (2012). Doing feminist theory: From modernity to postmodernity. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. (toc, intro, and ch. 1 in ANGEL)

Parker, Roszika, & Pollock, Griselda (1989). Old Mistresses: Women, art, & ideology. New York, NY: Routledge.

Rosenberg, Martin, & Thurber, Frances.(2007). Gender matters in art education. Worcester, MA: Davis Publications.

Slaughter, Anne-Marie. (2012, July/August). Why women still can’t have it all. The Atlantic.

Schor, Mira. (1991). Patrilineage. Art Journal, 50(2), 58-63.

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