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Web presentation of Judy Chicago’s feminist art pedagogy by © Karen Keifer-Boyd 2003, assisted by Wei-Chung Chang in the animation presentation of the Chicago/Woodman teaching approach, and based upon the participatory art pedagogical methodology © Judy Chicago 2003, and used with permission.

Appreciation to Shirley Harlan for contributing video footage used in the research, content search, and process to image videos. All other photographs, video footage, and editing by Karen Keifer-Boyd.

Appreciation to Wei-Chung Chang for designing the exhibition poster, CD-ROM label and cover, and the Web site address card with Hui-Chun Hsiao; and to Jason Christman and Donald Woodman for printing the posters used at the Envisioning the Future exhibition sites for the premiere of the Participatory Art Pedagogy Web site.

Thank you to Kumar Desai for placing the Web site on the Through the Flower server.

I express my greatest appreciation to Judy Chicago for sharing her teaching methodology and reviewing the contents of the Web site throughout its development.

Keifer-Boyd, K. (2007).From content to form: Judy Chicago’s pedagogy with reflections by Judy Chicago. Studies in Art Education: A Journal of Issues and Research in Art Education, 48(2), 133-153.

To cite the webpage:

Keifer-Boyd, K. (2011).Participatory art pedagogy. Judy Chicago Art Education Collection. Retrieved from

Read more:
1/ Overview
2/ Chicago/Woodman Teaching Methodology
3/ Relationship of Chicago/Woodman’s Participatory Art Pedagogy to Other Forms of Feminist Art Pedagogies
4/ Relationship of the Participatory Art Pedagogy to Other Art Teaching Approaches
5/ References & Copyrights

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